The Fourth Age Mod
AncarCraft: The Fourth Age is the first Italian Server with the Lord Of The Ring Mod!
A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. Post your strategies, thoughts, links and reviews here.
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• Flair your posts with the relevant game. Filter Content • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Community Resources • • • • • • • Subreddits Total War Subreddits • • Strategy Subreddits • • Interesting Subreddits • • • • Think we missed one? Give us a Modmail and suggest new Subreddits to add to the lists! I'm a huge LotR fan and am very interested in playing the Third/Fourth Age because of this. Honestly, the Third Age interests me more because it is the lore I am familiar with and has the characters/factions I know. Also, I love the diversity of factions in Third Age compared to Fourth Age which I was told is an Age of Men which probably means it will be Men vs Men compared to Men vs Elves vs Dwafs vs Orcs.
With that said, I have a question. I know the Mod is lacking in terms of visuals, ui, combat, etc because it is a community created mod on older game platforms(Medieval II and Rome). Having played all the recent Total War games, do you think these games are too outdated now to be fun? Or are they still worth it? Full dislosure - I'm on the dev team for Fourth Age: Total War. 'Outdated' is an interesting term. It is, of course, subjective in some ways.
If you're talking graphics, then yes, I'm sure you will find some differences between the newer games and the older titles of RTW and M2. This may or may not bother you. (I've never been much of a graphics hound, and I have yet to play Rome 2 or any newer TW games.) On the other hand, I understand that the newer titles introduce some restrictions that were not present in the older games. So for example, in RTW and M2 it's possible to train as many armies as you want, to trade or purchase settlements from other factions, and to develop your settlements however you wish. The other thing to remember is that these mods differ quite a bit from the vanilla experience. So if you're remembering vanilla RTW, keep in mind that the gameplay of Fourth Age is extremely different. How To Renew Driver License In California. I personally find Third Age for Med2 (and Med2 in general) still very much enjoyable and in some cases prefer them to newer games.
You can look up some Third Age vids on YouTube to see if you'd like it or not, people like Lionheart have done multiple lets plays. Would also like to note Arachir Galudirithon as a very good option for 3rd Age YT content as he's the lead dev of one of the most popular submods for Third Age (DaC) and has plenty of knowledge of the game and Tolkien's universe in general. Lots of lets plays and other stuff like faction overviews. Very enjoyable to watch in my opinion • • • •. My own view is that Rome 1 and Med 2 hit the sweet spot in the Total War series. I have a preference for Rome. Mainly because of Med2's issues with unit responsiveness and cohesion (and the siege AI bugs).
I've played all three of the completed Middle-earth mods and would summarise them thus (though please note that it's been a while since I played TATW so it may have dveloped further): TATW - Inspired by the movies, focuses on visuals. Would appeal to younger players. Very popular.
LOTRTW - Inspired by the movies, also focuses on visuals but also good across a range of areas. Also likely to appeal to movie fans, younger people. FATW - Inspired by the books and focuses on lore, innovation and depth. Would appeal to a more mature player, and to Tolkien purists. It's also fun, though, because each faction has been designed to allow for a different playing experience - so a lot of longevity.
Really, play all of them and see which one fits best. They are all well developed. I've recently started playing Fourth Age(fatw) and have a lot of fun with it even after I played warhammer. So it can really be fun if you can stand it;) ' love the diversity of factions in Third Age compared to Fourth Age which I was told is an Age of Men which probably means it will be Men vs Men compared to Men vs Elves vs Dwafs vs Orcs.
' fatw is indeed the dominion of men, but this does not mean there are no elves/dwarves/orcs. Depending on which faction you choose you will run into more or less of these. Elves and dwarves not very much if you don't screw with them/play as them, but orcs are quite common.