Openfiledialog Xml File C#
Hello Yesser, I am assigning path to a textbox so that user can view what path got selected and eventually use that value in other methods. The path returned by fileDialog.FileName is one that user browses and hits 'Open' button on the dialog. I have no problem with that. The problem is when I click on 'Browse File' button, the initial path that gets displayed is not the one that is assigned to InitialDirectory property for Dialog1; its the last path that was selected in Dialog2 on same form. New Photokey 6 Pro 2017 - Reviews 2017 here. Sorry, you should use Path.GetDirectoryNameinstead, for example, following code works fine here for me ( Note: I use application settings instead of registery as Rudy suggested however the key concept is storing directory of ofd.FileName not itself, elsewhere the OpenFileDialog will ignore it as John mentioned because it's not a path, it's a file name!). Why store it in the Registry?
Getting File path from a open file dialog. FDialog.Title = 'Open XML file'. So basically I want to put new file path for some file founded by OpenFileDialog. Text files (*.txt) *.txt All files (*.*) *.* You can add several filter patterns to a filter by separating the file types with semicolons, for example: Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF) *.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF All files (*.*) *.* Use the FilterIndex property to set which filtering option is shown first to the user. Aug 13, 2012 Hi, I'm building a win form application using C# VS 2010. In my main form (= the one that load at start up) Load() event handler I want user to point to.
Why not store it in a user configuration file? This is one approach encouraged by the design of. How To Install Khmer Unicode On Xperia X8. NET and the CLR.
To make it possible to copy a single directory, which contain all of the information for a given application. You say that you store the value in the Registy, but you have not posted code of how you write the value to the registry. Your posted code appears to skip that step. Keygen Software. You save a file name to TextBox control. Rudy =8^D Mark the best replies as answers.
'Fooling computers since 1971.' Hello Yesser, I am assigning path to a textbox so that user can view what path got selected and eventually use that value in other methods. The path returned by fileDialog.FileName is one that user browses and hits 'Open' button on the dialog. I have no problem with that.
The problem is when I click on 'Browse File' button, the initial path that gets displayed is not the one that is assigned to InitialDirectory property for Dialog1; its the last path that was selected in Dialog2 on same form. Hello Yesser, I am assigning path to a textbox so that user can view what path got selected and eventually use that value in other methods. The path returned by fileDialog.FileName is one that user browses and hits 'Open' button on the dialog. I have no problem with that. The problem is when I click on 'Browse File' button, the initial path that gets displayed is not the one that is assigned to InitialDirectory property for Dialog1; its the last path that was selected in Dialog2 on same form. Sorry, you should use Path.GetDirectoryNameinstead, for example, following code works fine here for me ( Note: I use application settings instead of registery as Rudy suggested however the key concept is storing directory of ofd.FileName not itself, elsewhere the OpenFileDialog will ignore it as John mentioned because it's not a path, it's a file name!).