Motionbuilder Tutorials

An approachable and concise introduction to MotionBuilder, Autodesk's motion-editing software. Pocket Hack Master V4.33. This tutorial will explain how to use the MotionBuilder Story Tool to create animated cut-scenes or pre-vis sequences. I will guide you through every step of the process from importing your characters and environment into MotionBuilder and animating them using the Story Tool to plotting and saving the finished animation.
Thanks for the tutorial Markus! Videos from professional animator's working in the industry are hard to come by and it's great to see another animator's workflow. Just some quick notes: You're clearly a talented animator, so I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but a lot of the problems you're having to fix with keyframing could be solved a lot faster with a few quick tweaks to the retargetting. A lot of animators will place the actor inside the markers, add the markers to the marker set, and then leave it at that, but you can actually tweak how the actor sits between the markers, after the marker set has been activated. You can even make tweaks after your character rig has been imported and driven by the actor. This really helps solve issues like your head/neck problems, or problems with arm twist that are difficult to judge clearly from the T-pose. It's typically better to do this than solving these issues after the bake with keyframing, because it affects how the entire motion is solved, so it'll fix all manner of problems, not just a specific instance. Nod32 64 Bit Full Gezginler.