Management Projects For Mba
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All MBA students complete a management project giving them the opportunity to put theory into practice. You spend up to three months on a management project exploring current business issues and applying the theories and techniques learned during your MBA to resolve them. You have three options.
Either: • apply for a project with a real business (company-based management project) • do a desk-based project • or write a business plan About the MBA company-based management project The company-based management project allows you to work with a company or organisation helping them to resolve real business issues. This is an opportunity to put knowledge into practice, impress a potential employer, and foster good relationships from which you may benefit at a later date. Companies that our students have worked with include: • Astra Zeneca • Tata Consultancy Services • Orange Business Service • Alliance Boots • Standard Chartered Bank • Rolls-Royce • Pfizer • Experian • Capital One • GE Healthcare • Ikano • Nexor • Balfour Beaty • E.ON There are also opportunities to work with small and medium-sized enterprises, financial services, not-for-profit organisations, and creative industries. Past projects have covered a wide range of industries and business functions including: • initial market entry analysis • industry analysis • benchmarking and financial analysis • ethical competitor analysis • strategic projects • supply chain management • information systems strategy. Add value, expertise and efficiency to your business We are always looking for more employers to support student management projects. If you have a business problem that needs solving or a bespoke piece of work carrying out, we may be able to match you with an appropriate student who has the skills and interests that could complement your business needs.
About our MBA programme Our MBA programme is focused on developing business leaders. Students are introduced to the very latest thinking and are given a practical understanding of how to lead teams and businesses. We receive excellent feedback from employers who benefit from having our MBA students sharing their knowledge with them. About our MBA students Our students typically: • have an average 5-6 years of management experience • range in age from 25-48 ( the average age is 30) • originate from 30 countries, bringing with them a wealth of international experience and knowledge What's involved? An individual or group of MBA students joins your organisation for three months between June and September. They focus on the specific business or management needs you have identified. Mp4 Video Resizer Software more. They follow a set brief and, once completed, you will receive a consultancy-style report and presentation. You maintain control of the project and have the reassurance that a member of staff from Nottingham University Business School supervises the students.
Costs There isn’t a set fee. However, we recommend that some form of recompense is negotiated between the student and the employer. This makes for a cost-effective solution for employers to benefit from a piece of work that is supported by contemporary business theory and research. Further information Please contact: Dr Duncan R Shaw (MBA Company-based Projects Co-ordinator) Nottingham University Business School +44 (0) 115 846 7756 or email.