Corporate Finance Theory And Practice Damodaran Pdf
Preface Letme begin this preface with a confession of a few of my own biases. First, Ibelieve that theory and the models that flow from it should provide the toolsto understand, analyze, and solve problems. The test of a model or theory thenshould not be based on its elegance but on its usefulness in problem solving.Second, there is little in corporate financial theory that is new andrevolutionary. The core principles of corporate finance are common sense andhave changed little over time. That should not be surprising. Corporate financeis only a few decades old, and people have been running businesses forthousands of years; it would be exceedingly presumptuous of us to believe thatthey were in the dark until corporate finance theorists came along and toldthem what to do. To be fair, it is true that corporate financial theory hasmade advances in taking commonsense principles and providing structure, butthese advances have been primarily on the details.
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