Cd Manipulator Iso Ps2

So, a week ago or so I lost my copy of Mega Man X8 (I know, it's not a very good game.) Wanting to replace it, I went to a torrent site and downloaded it for the PS2 (I assume that is legal. I have purchased the game. And it's in my possession in a sense; it's simply not accessible to me, wherever it may be.) I noted that it was odd that it was in BIN and CUE format. Well, when I went to burn it to a DVD, DVD Decrypter gave me the following warning: 'Your image does not appear to be of the correct format for burning to a DVD' Image format: Mode2/form1/2352 DVD format: Mode1/2048' So, I used ISO buster to extract the image file's contents and I tried to build an mswhatever file using CD/DVD Generator, but it too gave me problems, saying, 'Does not meet the minimum 60000 sector DVD requirement' or some such. So I created a dummy file 500mb in size and added that to the end of the image file contents and built the mswhatever file and then imported that into Apache2 and created an.iso file which I then burned to a Taiyou Yuuden (legitimate.
何故“CD Manipulator”も使用するかというと、画像を見ていただくと分かるかと思いますが、PS2ソフトの読み取り. Ps2 iso download, Free Create-Burn ISO 2.0, WinISO, Free Easy ISO Maker Burner 2.0.9. Diplomat Washer Dryer Instruction Manual.
I have already backed up 8 or more games with the slightest problem) at 4x. I then used swap magic 3.6 in an attempt to boot it up.
The game did not work. I tried this twice. (That is, I made two copies and tried each of them once or twice.) What's the problem?
How can I fix this? There is only one torrent for the ps2 version of mega man x8. Well, there's another but it's a blackcats torrent that I can't access (why in the hell are those uploaded to other torrent sites when they're completely unusable for non-members?) Since, there is no chance in hell of getting a blackcats invite in the next little while, I'm pretty much screwed unless I can get this.bin image file properly converted into a ps2-compatible iso. By the way, Mega Man X8 is definitely a DVD game, not CD. So I'm not making any mistake there. A little more information: The original.BIN is about 760mb in size and when I used ISObuster to extract the contents of the file, it shrunk to about 660mb. Is ISObuster removing dummy files or something?